
Finding supplies after a disaster can be very difficult. One of the scariest situations one can imagine is going through a disaster and not being prepared for life afterward. Without the proper medical supplies, quick and effective help cannot be implemented in an emergency, so it is very important to stock up on these supplies ahead of time. You may already know that you should stock up on bandages, gauze, antiseptic ointment, and pain relievers, but there are other supplies that you may not know about that you should also stock up on. Below is a list of supplies that you may have forgotten about but should stock up on just in case:

Ace Bandages - These bandages are commonly used for strains or sprains. However, there are many other uses for these bandages. You can use them to hold other bandages in place, hold hot/cold packs in place, reduce swelling, and many other useful things.

Butterfly Bandage - In an emergency, a butterfly bandage can be used in place of stitches. These bandages are specifically designed to pull the skin on both sides of the wound together to successfully close the wound.

Crutches/Walker - If you accidentally hurt your leg or foot in an emergency, you still want to remain mobile. If you are fortunate enough to have crutches or a walker with you, you will still be able to get around without having to rely on others for help.

SAM Splint - The SAM Splint is a moldable splint that can be used to immobilize many types of wounds on the leg, forearm, and fingers. If you accidentally get hurt, you'll feel a lot better having a SAM splint in your medical supply stockpile.

Israel Bandage - The Israel Bandage is a special bandage that is used to stop bleeding from hemorrhagic wounds. This bandage has saved many lives, and it wouldn't hurt to have it in your medical supply stockpile.

Tourniquets - One way to stop bleeding is to use a tourniquet. You can keep one in your medical stockpile just in case.

Clotting Powder - If for some reason an Israeli bandage does not stop a wound from bleeding, the next step is to use clotting powder. This will help stop or slow down the flow of blood from a wound and is a great addition to a stockpile of medical supplies.

Benadryl - For the many types of allergic reactions we can have, Benadryl can come in handy. You can keep some on hand just in case.

Oropharyngeal Ventilators - These devices can be used for more severe allergic reactions. An oropharyngeal ventilator keeps the airways open while waiting for the benadryl to kick in, making it a great addition to your medical supply stockpile.

You should have a variety of items in your medical supply stockpile. Not having what you need in an emergency can be a very bad thing. However, just because you have these supplies in your medical kit doesn't mean you should use them without the proper knowledge and training; it's useful to know the necessary first aid.

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