
Life is only one time and is very precious. Master these household first-aid knowledge and if you have an emergency at home, you can do it urgently.

Foreign matter

Any tiny object or liquid, even a piece of sand or a drop of detergent into the eye, can cause eye pain and even damage the cornea.

First-aid measures: First, blink hard and frequently, and wash away foreign objects with tears. If it doesn't work, pinch the eyelids and rinse your eyes under the tap. Be sure to remove the contact lenses.

Absolutely forbidden: Do not rub your eyes, no matter how small foreign objects can scratch the cornea and cause infection. If the foreign matter enters the deeper part of the eye, be sure to seek medical attention immediately.

Note: If corrosive liquid splashes into the eyes, you must go to the hospital for treatment immediately; if the eyes are still uncomfortable after self-treatment, burning, edema or blurred vision, you need to ask the doctor to use professional equipment to treat. Don't act recklessly.


When the ligaments around the joints are stretched too far beyond what they can withstand, sprains can occur, often accompanied by bruising and edema.

First-aid method: Within 24 hours of the sprain, try to use the ice pack once every hour for half an hour. Wrap the wound with an elastic compression bandage and raise the injured area. After 24 hours, the affected area was replaced with a hot compress to promote blood circulation in the injured area.

Absolutely forbidden: You can't move the injured joints at will, otherwise it will easily cause the ligaments to tear, which is relatively difficult to recover.

Note: If after a few days of self-treatment and rest, the affected area is still painful and inconvenient to move, there may be a fracture, muscle strain or ligament rupture, and you need to go to the hospital immediately.

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